What do you imagine when you think about where your cannabis comes from? Do you picture rows of tall, leafy crops waving in the wind in an open field? Or maybe a well-lit greenhouse with webs of irrigation tubes pumping nutrients into individual pots? How about a big bucket full of yeast? ‘Brewing’ cannabis sounds like something out of science …
Is There a Resource for Finding CBD Studies?
Backing any product claims with studies is a great way to boost your authority on CBD while also building brand loyalty and trust. While studies on CBD are still limited, there are preclinical, animal, and some clinical studies available. A great resource for CBD studies is the US National Library of Medicine, which is provided by the US Department of …
What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Here we are today, a little more than five years after the 2014 Farm Bill was passed, and we finally have recognition and approval by the federal government that industrial hemp is legal. Even though that’s what federal law said, that as far back as 2014, the historical weight of last week’s release of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s final …
Vaping Related Illnesses
“Carts” as they are referred to, are being sold as containing safe cannabinoid products with what appear to be recognizable industry name brands. However, recent findings have shown that many of these black market cartridges actually contain vitamin E oil, which has a similar texture and look to THC oil. According to the Washington Post, “The chemical, vitamin E acetate, …
How CBD and THC Interact In Your Body
How do CBD and THC Interact in Your Body? Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are two of over 100 compounds isolated in the cannabis sativa plant species. Cannabis is also made up of over 500 compounds including flavonoids, terpenes and over 100 other cannabinoids, including THC and CBD. In the following article, we will discuss details on how these cannabinoids …
Top 3 Myths About CBD Busted
Top 3 Myths About CBD Busted Cannabidiol or more commonly known as CBD is claimed by many to have many medical and therapeutic benefits. However, on the other hand, cannabis is listed as a Schedule 1 drug with no medical benefits and a huge potential for abuse. Although a little confusing in the article below we will discuss what CBD …
Review of Joy Organics
CBD SALVE, BRINGING A LITTLE JOY TO SOME ACHY JOINTS Arthritis is an ugly condition that impacts many people in population. Joint injury, auto immune disorders and a whole host of other issues can result in arthritis. In fact, according to https://www.healthline.com/health/arthritis “There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with different causes and treatment methods.” The primary cause of …
CBD for Skin Care?
CBD & Skin Care CBD is technically a cannabinoid that is found and extracted from the cannabis sativa plant and used in a variety of consumer products ranging from sprays, gel capsules, lotions, oils, salves and even pet products. CBD may be administered through many ways to activate a mechanism in your body known as your endocannabinoid system ( ECS …
Can CBD Aid Digestive Health?
CAN CBD AID DIGESTIVE HEALTH? Right from its discovery in 1940, coupled with the recent moves to legalize CBD-based medications, the use of cannabinoids is gradually becoming a high level respected medicine. Its unique interaction with the endocannabinoid system and medical applications has shown that CBD has a wonderful resume and may serve as the missing link in healthy living. …
A Helpful Guide for Dosing CBD
How Many MG of CBD Should You Take? How can I effectively dose my CBD? This is one of the most frequently asked questions about CBD. Although CBD has been the topic of discussion at medical gatherings for some time now, there is little or no information on how best to determine its dosage for all users. CBD apart …