Ohio deems CBD businesses nonessential

In News by joshua

An Ohio agency focused on conflict management has decided which businesses in the state are essential during the coronavirus pandemic – and retailers selling CBD are reportedly not among them. Ohio deems CBD businesses nonessential is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs Source

Hoban Minute Podcast: Benzinga’s Javier Hasse On ‘What COVID-19 Has Revealed About The Cannabis Market’

In News, Standard by joshua

Bob and Eric sit down with author, Forbes senior contributor, CEO of El Planteo, and Managing Director of Benzinga Cannabis, Javier Hasse who shares his perspective on how Argentina has been impacted by the spread of COVID-19. They discuss the recent performance of marijuana stocks and consumer behavior, the ineligibility of marijuana businesses for financial assistance through the CARES Act, the World …

Lighting of the Sun on Bright Unfocused Eyes: A Note on Repercussions from the DEA’s Descheduling of Epidiolex

In News, Standard by joshua

On April 7th, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced that Epidiolex was no longer being treated as a controlled substance. To truly appreciate this, we need some background. In 2018, Epidiolex, which is manufactured by Britain-based GW Pharmaceuticals, was the first cannabis-formulated drug to be approved by the FDA. Epidiolex is used to treat seizures associated with Dravet syndrome in pediatric …

Federal Reserve’s new loan programs include $600 billion to support businesses

In News by joshua

More money may be available to hemp businesses as the Federal Reserve announced plans on Thursday to release up to $2.3 trillion in loans to help the U.S. economy through disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis. The announcement came just moments after the U.S. government reported that 6.6 million new jobless claims were filed last week. […] Federal Reserve’s new loan …

FDA cracks down on 3 CBD companies making COVID-19 claims

In News by joshua

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has sent warning letters to three more CBD retailers for making COVID-19 claims. Letters were sent to Indigo Naturals and Native Roots Hemp on Monday, and to CBD Online Store on Wednesday. The FDA warned them to stop making claims linked to the coronavirus or else risk legal action, including seizure […] FDA cracks down on …

Living Senior LLC Launches CBD Seniors.com

In News by joshua

LAS VEGAS — Living Senior LLC is proud to announce their latest venture, CBDSeniors.com , a web platform that has been created in an effort to promote the usage of hemp-based products among the senior citizen community (those aged 50+). The founders of CBD Seniors have set out to educate seniors and their families on […] Source

How Much Can I Make by Buying White Label CBD and Selling it in a Retail Store?

In News by joshua

Not so many years ago, starting a business in the cannabis and hemp industry was viewed as a risky investment. In early 2020, however, it’s one of the fastest-growing markets in the United States. Today, the surging popularity of hemp-derived products – notably CBD – has given rise to huge numbers of independent CBD businesses. Are you curious about how …

Hemp Depot Pivots Production, Starts Making Hand Sanitizer Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

In News by joshua

Hemp Depot produces hemp CBD wholesale, but as COVID-19 became a pandemic, wholesale orders dropped rapidly, thus creating a need for CEO Andy Rodosevich to keep his staff employed. This is when he realized that, with some quick changes, he could achieve this goal while also helping respond to the nationwide need for personal protective equipment (PPE). In seven days, Hemp Depot adapted its production facility to start manufacturing hand sanitizer …

The Most Effective Way to Use CBD for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

In News by joshua

If you’ve ever dealt with anxiety or panic attacks, you understand the urgent need for relief. With symptoms like heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, and trembling — according to the Mayo Clinic — anxiety is no walk in the park.  If you’re looking to use cannabidiol (CBD) to help curb anxiety, you’ll first have to choose a delivery method. …

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How to Avoid a Cannabis Medical Emergency: ER Docs Weigh In

In News by joshua

Picture this: You’re with friends in Colorado, and one of the first stops you make is at a dispensary. You pick up a pre-rolled joint and — feeling pretty confident — you take a few long drags. I used to do this all the time in high school, you think. And this is legal now, what could possibly go wrong?  …