USDA: Hemp farmers didn’t lose enough money to receive coronavirus assistance

In News by joshua

Federal agriculture officials have determined that hemp farmers do not qualify for coronavirus assistance, according to a notification of funding availability updated on the Federal Register on Friday. USDA: Hemp farmers didn’t lose enough money to receive coronavirus assistance is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs Source

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American Shaman opens CBD store inside chain supermarket

In News by joshua

CBD maker and retailer American Shaman has opened a retail store inside a grocery store in Missouri, where the company is based. The company said the 550-square-foot store opened at the start of August inside a Kansas City’s Ball’s Price Chopper and will be staffed by Shaman employees. American Shaman claims in a news release […] American Shaman opens CBD …

22Red Hemp Oil Disposable Vapes

In News by joshua

Winner of a High Times Award for Best CBD Pen, 22Red’s hemp-derived disposable vapes are designed to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to help regulate pain, mood, the immune system, memory, and stress response. In Cereal Killer, Strawberry Sorbet, Watermelon, and Orange Mint strains. Source

The Best Hoban Minute Podcasts on Marijuana Legalization 

In News, Standard by joshua

Since the legalization of marijuana in Colorado in 2012, a green wave has spread across the country. Today, 11 states have a commercial, regulated adult-use marijuana market, and that number is growing. A handful of additional states will be voting to join the green wave in the 2020 election this November. In Colorado alone, there’s been more than $7.8 billion …

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How to Discover the Right CBD Product for You or Your Pet

In News by joshua

With the number of companies selling CBD products ever on the rise, how is anyone supposed to find the right product for them or their pets? Finding a CBD product that is verifiably safe and lab-tested, as well as your preferred form, style, and taste, is vital for you to test if CBD is the correct solution to add to …

AAXLL Supply Responds to Trademark Lawsuit Regarding Charlotte’s Web Strain

In News by joshua

SAN FRANCISCO – AAXLL Supply Co d/b/a Balance CBD, an innovator of Hemp Derived CBD products responded today to claims by Charlotte’s Web, Inc. (CWI) in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. In its numerous counterclaims, AAXLL alleges CWI engaged in false advertising, unfair business practices in violation of the California […] Source

Fund manager offers tips on hemp investing opportunities and challenges

In News by joshua

The clock is ticking to register for a free virtual briefing with MJBizDaily Investor Intelligence on “Opportunities and Challenges in Hemp Investing,” scheduled for 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT on Tuesday. Fund manager offers tips on hemp investing opportunities and challenges is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs Source

Navajo Nation sues over hemp-growing operation in New Mexico

In News by joshua

The Navajo Nation Department of Justice is suing a tribal member over what authorities say is an illegal hemp farming operation in northwestern New Mexico. Navajo Nation sues over hemp-growing operation in New Mexico is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs Source


In News, Standard by joshua

Written by Kevin Fortin is the largest on-line retailer in the United States and has overcome numerous obstacles to arrive in this position.  This author has worked with enforcement of IP rights including trademark on platforms including eBay and Amazon since the 1990’s. In the early days, trademark owners selling products at Amazon could use their trademarks to eliminate …

The Impact of Stress On Your Body

In News by joshua

This article was created in partnership with Are you feeling more stressed than usual? If so, you’re absolutely not alone. While most people experience moderate stress from time to time, the recent COVID-19 outbreak is making many of us more tense than ever before. Financial and health worries, along with social distancing, are impacting our lives in profound ways, …