Hemp Depot Proudly Announces Kosher-Certified Manufacturing Facility

In News by joshua

Hemp Depot is honored to announce our recent successful Kosher certification for our CBD manufacturing facility. We’ve completed the five-step certification process required by the official Kosher Certification organization which ensures that certain CBD products are guaranteed Kosher. Learn more about our Hemp Depot Kosher-certified CBD products here: Kosher Certificate. A Kosher certification provides consumers the ability to make better-informed …

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Is CBD overrated? Things you need to know

In News by joshua

With the amount of information available to us nowadays, it gets more and more challenging to tell the truth from the lies. We live in a time when literally anyone can modify articles on Wikipedia, one of the most viewed and used websites on the internet. Thousands of theories, studies, even more opinions and comments that people express freely on …

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What is the Difference Between CBD and THC?

In News by joshua

What is the difference between CBD and THC? Recently, the topic of medical marijuana has been surfacing more and more often in foreign media, scientists are trying their best to get permissions and funding for research in this area, believing in its promise, and in many countries of the world, decriminalization and legalization are underway. Most of the hype today …

Why CBD Carrier Oils Matter More Than You’d Think

In News by joshua

When your CBD product isn’t working the way it should, there are a lot of possible explanations. Some of them are obvious: Maybe you’re not getting the right dose for you, maybe you’re not using the product in the right way (if you’ve ever wondered, “Can I vape this tincture?” the answer is no). Other times, though, the reason your …

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What Happens when CBD Expires? Can it Harm Customers to Ingest Expired CBD?

In News by joshua

Selling CBD edibles is a great way to reach a broader consumer base. They’re approachable, easy to use, and taste great. But like any product your customers can take internally, the products you buy from your CBD edibles wholesale provider will have an expiration date. If you’re like most business owners, you’re likely wondering what happens when CBD expires and …

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Ruling confirms Germany’s designation that CBD is a ‘novel food’

In News by joshua

A court case confirmed that German authorities consider CBD products either a prescription medicine or novel food. The ruling followed the direction of the European Union (EU), which has ruled that the cannabinoid and products containing cannabidiol can’t be yet be sold without additional safety research. The novel foods distinction is given to products if […] Ruling confirms Germany’s designation …

Canopy Growth’s NY hemp facility to receive $1.7 million tax break

In News by joshua

The Canadian cannabis producer building an industrial park for hemp processing in New York state would get a hefty property tax break under a new plan hatched by a local economic development group. The Broome Industrial Development Agency said Canopy Growth will receive a standard 15-year payment-in-lieu-of-taxes deal that will reduce taxes on the 48-acre […] Canopy Growth’s NY hemp …

Cannabis Corner: DEA Commander Turned Pot Co. Advocate

In News, Standard by joshua

*This post was originally published on Law360 Law360 (November 13, 2019, 4:43 PM EST) — Charles Feldmann has been involved in cannabis law longer than most people — albeit not always as an advocate for the industry. “My background really came from a heavy law enforcement side,” he told Law360. “Having gone to law school through the Marine Corps, doing …

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Exclusive Webcast: Breaking down the USDA’s hemp rules

In News, Standard by joshua

Shawn Hauser After decades of prohibition, hemp is now an agricultural commodity like any other, regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). But there’s a lot to unpack in the USDA’s new hemp rules. In an exclusive webcast, Hemp Industry Daily editor Kristen Nichols sits down with Vicente Sederberg hemp attorney Shawn Hauser to discuss: What hemp companies need …

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People Are Starting to ‘Brew’ Cannabis: Why It Matters

In News, Standard by joshua

What do you imagine when you think about where your cannabis comes from? Do you picture rows of tall, leafy crops waving in the wind in an open field? Or maybe a well-lit greenhouse with webs of irrigation tubes pumping nutrients into individual pots?  How about a big bucket full of yeast?  ‘Brewing’ cannabis sounds like something out of science …